Freezing Treatment for Bed Bugs
An effective and eco-friendly treatment
Did you know that it’s possible to opt for the freezing treatment for bed bugs to eliminate bed bugs in items? It’s an effective tool, especially for clothing and objects that are hard to treat otherwise. This eco-friendly treatment also doesn’t require any application of products to the treated items.
What is the principle of the freezing treatment for bed bugs?
During the freezing treatment for bed bugs, the items are stored at temperatures between -18°C and -28°C for several days to eliminate all the adult bed bugs, juvenile bed bugs (pupae), and eggs. It is then possible to recover the items in order to reintroduce them into a healthy environment. However, it’s necessary to ensure that the temperature is cold enough for long enough for the treatment to be really effective. It should be noted that household freezers don’t all reach the temperatures required for this operation.
What items can be frozen to treat them against bed bugs?
Most household items can be frozen. The freezing treatment is particularly popular for clothes, especially those that can’t be washed and dried at high heat. You can also consider shoes, boots, plush toys, theatre costumes, toys, frames, pictures, clocks, and electronic equipment (unless it has an LCD screen).
Solution Cimex’s freezing treatment
When you rely on Solution Cimex’s freezing services, you’ll be asked to put the desired items into plastic bags. Their services will come pick up the bagged items at your home to bring them to Solution Cimex’s bed bug decontamination centre. They will then be “frozen” for the requisite period in order to eliminate the bed bugs. When the items are ready, you’ll receive a call to arrange a time to drop off your items.
After the freezing, before using the electrical and electronic devices again, it’s important to let them rest until they gradually reach a temperature equal to that of the ambient temperature.
If you’ve treated your bed base and mattress with freezing and you’re considering protecting them with a cover, make sure that any moisture has dissipated before proceeding to prevent a potential mould problem.
Warning : Check the specifications and capacities from the manufacturer before freezing electronic devices with LCD screens. You should never freeze objects containing liquids or humidity or those that could be damaged by condensation. Items such as old books, valuables, antiques, or those that can’t be replaced should not be frozen. Contact us to have these treated another way.
Main advantages
Freezing Treatment for Bed Bugs
- Effective tool for clothing and objects hard to treat otherwise
- Doesn’t require any application of products
- Most household items can be frozen
- Eco-friendly treatment

Do you have a bed bug problem?
Don’t panic! We’ll take care of you. Contact us now.