Exterminator in Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville
Are you the victim of a pest infestation and are you looking for a trusted professional exterminator in Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville? Our services should therefore be of interest to you.
What can we offer you?
At Solution Cimex, we can take care of the extermination of the various pests that invade your home, including bed bugs, carpenter ants, wasps and bees, rodents, fleas or even pigeons. We choose the solutions adapted to your situation among the many processes that we can carry out, including steam, heat or freezing treatments.
We can also opt for the application of products to overcome these animals. In these cases, we only use approved products. Our goal is always to guarantee the effectiveness of our solutions, but also the health and safety of our customers as well as the protection of the environment. We also remind you that we are approved by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks of Quebec. In short, we offer quality services and competent experts to restore good living conditions in your home.
What are the measures to be taken after our interventions?
The proven solutions that we apply make it possible to effectively and quickly exterminate the various pests that infest your home. Nevertheless, you must also take certain measures to avoid recurrences after our interventions. In other words, you have to improve your lifestyle and possibly make some repairs so that you no longer attract unwanted animals to your home.
- Always store food in airtight and well-closed containers.
- Take out the trash every day and always close the lid, whether inside or outside.
- Clean your house regularly and make sure you never leave crumbs or food debris on tables or on the floor.
- Bathe your pets regularly, as they can carry pests such as ticks or fleas. To do this, use the appropriate products.
- Also maintain the exterior of your home, as it can hide unwanted animals such as rats, mice or even raccoons. It should also be noted that plants attract insects such as bees or wasps.
- Repair any water leaks, as pests generally love damp, hot and unsanitary places.
- Repair any cracks in walls, doors and windows to prevent unwanted animals from entering your home.
- Remember to ventilate your home.
- Watch for the slightest sign of invasion. Consider, for example, calling a professional if you notice sawdust on the ground, if you observe galleries on your wooden structures or if they are weakening or if you see corpses of pests in your home.
In addition to affecting your quality of life, pests can cause illnesses and serious allergic reactions that can lead to death in the most susceptible. These animals also destroy your infrastructure, your belongings, your plants, your clothes and your papers. It even happens that their activities are at the origin of the collapse of your roof, your furniture or even your stairs. It is therefore essential to call on a qualified professional as soon as possible to exterminate them quickly and efficiently at the slightest suspicion of an infestation or their presence.
At Solution Cimex, we are at your disposal 7 days a week and generally intervene within 24 to 48 hours after your request. Please feel free to visit our website or contact us for further details.