
Everything you need to know about termites

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Termites are feared by homeowners and businesses alike. These wood-eating insects can be destructive and cause significant damage to wooden structures. Their infestation is often difficult to detect. However, the damage caused can be costly. It is therefore essential to understand these little creatures. What are their characteristics? How to combat them?

The different types of termites

There are several types of termites. Each of them has specific behaviors. Their habitats are also not the same. Here are the 3 main types:

  1. Subterranean termites: These are the most common. They cause the most damage. These insects live underground. They build tunnels to find food. Moreover, mud tunnels at foundation level indicate their presence.
  2. Drywood termites: They do not need to be in the ground to survive. They will attack dry wood. Whether it is the frames or the furniture. These insects are detected by the presence of trenches in the wood.
  3. Damp wood termites: They have a preference for damp or decaying wood. These insects are therefore mainly present in humid areas. They are not very common, but they are pests.

How to detect termites?

Termites emit specific sounds. These pests communicate with each other by tapping against the walls of their galleries. This noise is one of the main signs of infestation. You should know that these sounds can be detected. Moreover, early detection can limit the damage that these insects could cause. This can be done with a specialized device.

It is also possible to detect termite activity as early as possible, even before the damage caused by them is visible. At Solution Cimex, we use the Termatrac T3i motion detector. It uses radar signals to detect termite movements in structures (walls, floors, ceilings). The process is non-invasive. The device then provides precise information on the location of the termites and the extent of their activities.

How to get rid of termites?

There are various methods applicable to combat termites. Discover the most effective of them:

  • Heat treatment

This non-chemical method is often used to get rid of termites. In practice, the infested area is heated to a high temperature. This kills the insects as well as their eggs. This is a preferred technique in the event of an infestation of furniture or wooden structures.

  • Freezing treatment

This method, also non-chemical, exposes termites to very low temperatures. Here too, the unwanted pests are killed. Freezing treatment only works on small wooden objects.

  • Pesticide treatment

Pesticides are widely used to combat termites. They are applied in different ways. The product can be sprayed on the wood or injected. It is also possible to use baits. Today, there are effective pesticides, but very little risk for the environment and human health.

Conclusion: call on us to eradicate the unwanted

At Solution Cimex, we offer professional services to prevent and treat pests. We suggest solutions adapted to each situation. Our technicians do everything possible to protect your property. In all cases, our interventions are fast and effective.